Sunday, January 16, 2011



This is the story of my lifE…always sEarching for the truth and liEs….finding the wrong from right…but whatEvEr i do EvEry road always points mE into onE dirEction….in a placE of only lonelinEss and EmptynEss….somEtimEs doin the right thing isnt always thE right thing to do….the hardEst thing to do sharEs the samE mEaning as of thE truth…thEy always go togEthEr that is why i am always caught into onE thing i nEvEr know what to do…i always Ends up doing thE things im not supposEd to bE doing in the vEry first placE….EvErytimE i go out theE door i always finds mysElf dEsErtEd somE placE i dont know….why hEavEn cant undErstand whErE i am coming from….its always hard for mE to makE mysElf bE sEEn and bE hEard….all i want is to bE cErtain in onE thing….all i want is to havE a good lifE likE EvErybody has….EvErytimE i think to try….EvErytimE i try to try….LIFE IS ALWASY HAPPEN THIS.....

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